JCD Talk Lounge “Takahashi Tsukiichi 34”

JCD organises the talk event "Takahashi Tsukiichi", which discusses the variety of interesting aspects of space design.
The 34 guest is Satoshi Itasaka. Anyone interested in architecture, interior design, design and art is welcome to attend. We look forward to your participation.

Date Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023 19:00-21:30
Venue Tokyo Design Center 5F, crafTec gallary
Guest speaker Satoshi Itasaka
Moderator Masaaki Takahashi
Entry fee 1000 yen
Capacity first 30 people
Application Please register using the application form above.
Organized by Japan Commercial Environmental Design Association tel: 03-6277-4813 e-mail: info@jcd.or.jp

Satoshi Itasaka

1978年生まれ。2012年に建築設計、プロダクトデザイン、アートの製作やキュレーションなど幅広い分野で創作活動を行う株式会社the design labo一級建築士事務所を設立。住宅や商業施設などの建築設計を主軸としながらも、国内外の企業からの依頼を受けプロダクトデザインを担当。幾つかの作品が美術館のコレクションに加えられるなど、エリアやジャンルを越えた活動を行っている。著書に「New Made In Japan」(青幻舎)、「IN THINGS」(Lecturis)がある。

Masaaki Takahashi

Design journalist, curator and translator

Writer, translator and curator covering architecture, interiors, design and art. Contributor to national and international media, including Dutch FRAME magazine. Author of numerous books, including The Code of Architectural Presentation, The Architectural Profession's Solution and MOMNET Redifininfing Brand Experience. His translations include Geoffrey Bawa: The Complete Work of Geoffrey Bawa. He has also curated installations featuring architects, etc. He has been moderating 'Takahashi Tsukiichi' since 2018.

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